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 PRE-SME – Industrial training handbook

The PRE-SME electronic toolkit and accompanying industrial training handbook have been developed as part of the UNEP project, which was funded by the Norwegian Government and implemented in close consultation with UNIDO. A consortium of Austrian-based and Philippines-based not-for-profit technical institutions was contracted to produce this toolkit.

The PRE-SME toolkit builds upon existing knowledge and tools but focuses on making the content aligned with the specific needs and organisational capabilities of SMEs in developing countries and economies in transition. It was first piloted in Ethiopia and Vietnam and adapted versions can also be found on their respective NCPCs and UNEP websites.

This manual addresses the following topics:

  • Explanation of basic concepts including: Resource Efficiency, life cycle thinking, dematerialisation, decarbonisation, the ‘Plan-Do-Check-Act’ (PDCA) cycle, benchmarking, cleaner production, safer production and integrated management systems
  • The PDCA cycle as a basis for continuous improvement
  • Five thematic modules for detailed assessment (water, energy, materials, waste, chemicals)
  • Benchmarking and benchmarks for different sectors and units
  • Relevant international laws, restrictions, standards
  • Guidance for planning a Resource Efficiency programme
  • Appendices including: slides for trainers, exercises for workshops, worksheets samples for practical work with companies and Internet resources

The handbook can be download by click here

 Training materials

Key elements of the training workshop

The Workshop will be conducted through a combination of a set of presentations, group work and discussions. It will include the following main activities:

Day 1

  1. An introductory and welcoming session in which UNEP will present the Joint UNIDO-UNEP programme on RECP and the overall aim of the project and training workshop.
  2. Presentation by AREC/ASSIST on the general structure and schedule of the Regional workshop with a brief introduction of AREC/ASSIST.
  3. Self-introduction of the workshop participants with a very brief presentation on their experience and expectations from the workshop.
  4. An introductory presentation on the basic concept of Resource Efficiency with a particular emphasis as to why SMEs in Developing countries need to develop and implement resource efficiency programmes.
  5. Presentation of the draft toolkit including its SME-focussed pedagogical approach i.e. the overall structure and its key elements (this will include presentation of slide-shots for each basic element and example of tools included)
  6. Explanation of the PDCA-methodology which forms the basis for implementing continuous improvement and the different approaches used for benchmarking resource efficiency improvement.
  7. Presentation of benchmarking procedures, data sources, methods and caveats. Small exercises are used to highlight a number of key messages on benchmarking on plant and unit level.
  8. Presentation of the thematic module on water with a focus on the specific tools that could be used in developing and implementing water efficiency programmes.

Day 2

  1. Presentation of the Thematic Module on Energy with a focus on the specific tools that could be used in developing and implementing water efficiency programmes.
  2. Group Exercise on water and energy modules with a purpose of validating the usefulness of the proposed tools by SMEs and identifying possible improvements.
  3. Feedback from the group exercise on water and energy and consolidation of points for improvement.

Day 3

  1. Presentation of the thematic modules on materials, chemicals and waste with particular focus on areas of potential improvement in SMEs operations on the specific tools that could be used.
  2. The participant will be subdivided into smaller groups with each of the group particularly carrying out specific exercises in one of the three thematic areas with a possibility of covering more than one if time allows.
  3. Presentation of the outcome and feedback from the group exercise with a purpose of consolidating the lessons to be drawn.

Day 4

  1. Presentation of the proposed structure and content of the Industrial Training Manual for SMEs that is to be prepared on the basis of the toolkit.
  2. Group exercise on developing an effective industrial training manual on promoting resource efficiency in SMEs in the Region.
  3. Presentation of the outcome form the group exercise and compilation of the inputs provided towards developing an effective industrial training manual.
  4. Concluding discussion on the further refinement of the Toolkit and development of the Industrial Training Manual for SMEs. The main points which will be addressed include:
  • Impressions on the overall generic toolkit including its adequacy for the Vietnamese SMEs and RECP service providers
  • A discussion on positive and the negative aspects of the draft toolkit, including what is missing,
  • What should be included in a printed version
  • Impressions on the toolkit’s pedagogical approach: how should trainers (service providers) present the toolkit to SMEs; how should trainers explain the concept of RE to SMEs
  • What should be included in the PRE-SME training manual
  • What should be the structure of the industrial (SME) training
  • Which national elements are required to service the needs of Vietnamese companies, consultants, and other stakeholders

The training materials can be downloaded from the following links:

PRE-SME Achieving Operational Efficiency and Performance Excellence

PRE-SME Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)


PRE-SME – Thematic modules

PRE-SME Exercises

Introduction of the Toolkit

PRE-SME – Industrial manual contents

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